martes, 4 de junio de 2019

One Hit Wonder And Construction Fever, Reviews On EBG


One Hit Wonder is a game of creating your own band and working through the indie scene.

The complete review of One Hit Wonder is on Everything Board Games (EBG) (review link).

I have always enjoyed seeing people do something because it is a joy to do it. When they can combine different passions it just becomes all the more special. From what I've seen about One Hit Wonder and its developer, I think this is an example of just that, a project of passions.

Rob Taylor says he is first and foremost a teacher. He enjoys games, but the idea for One Hit Wonder wasn't about wanting to change careers or because he was not liking what he was doing. It just started coming about.

Part of the development I enjoyed seeing was the fact Rob worked with students in the development of his game. It wasn't the idea of creating an educational game, but a game people could have fun with. He found that not only in the playing but the collaborations developing One Hit Wonder created.

At the time of this writing One Hit Wonder his in a Kickstarter campaign. From what I saw the funding goal is, I would say this project is more about the sharing, creativity, and bringing those passions to life with this project.


Construction Feveris a bidding game that has a twist on the scoring requiring you to balance your construction work.

The complete review of Construction Fever is on Everything Board Games (EBG) (review link).

Construction Feveris the eighth game from Ninja Star Games. Construction Fever is Kei Kajino's first game.

Ninja Star Games is based in Japan and the games have a feel of the Japanese culture. Construction Fever is a modern feel of the need to balance progress and industrialization with projects that are environmentally friendlier.

Construction Feverdoesn't take sides about which is the right path to be taking. What it accomplishes is an understanding that in modern business dealings these types of constraints are a concern for a progressive construction company CEO.

At the time of this writing Construction Fever is on Kickstarter.

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